As days grow cooler, it's time to welcome the crisp bite of the Northwest radicchio and chicory season. With distinctive bitter notes and crisp textures, these crops add a burst color to wet racks and flavor to fall and winter plates. Eaters are ready to swap out light, summery salads for heartier mixes, where radicchio and chicories steal the show with their perfect touch of bitterness. 

Embrace the season by helping your eaters to explore the rich, earthy flavors of radicchio and chicories. It's time to celebrate the versatility and vibrancy of these seasonal standouts and find out exactly why bitter is better!




Radicchio & Chicory Toolkit

Organic radicchios and chicories are gaining popularity with eaters. OGC is proud to offer a unique collection of varieties grown in California and Mexico, available year-round, and a Northwest crop typically starting in October and extending into winter. This fridge-hardy category boasts long shelf life and is available in an array of sizes, shapes, colors and flavors. They’re a great, Northwest grown alternative to lettuce during cooler months with a bounty of options for eaters to enjoy.  

Get The Radicchio & Chicory Toolkit


Bitter is Better!

Grower Stories, Variety Education & more.